What if there was a way to join woo and science under a single and complete framework of reality?
Let's pick a random woo topic, let's say synchronicity.
What if it was not a magical phenomenon, but rather a pre-determined physical outcome predictable through advanced math equations that we don't know of? The Big Bang theory states that everything that has happened or will happen is pre-determined since the universe started.
Such equations, if formally laid out would allow an advanced scientist to predict future synchronicities with some accuracy.
Another topic worth exploring are visions from the divine.
Could it be that people who see "beyond the veil" have a specific genetic mutation that allows them to synthesize information from other dimensions?
If so, could this gene be extracted and studied, in order to reverse-engineer the process by which supernatural predictions are made?
Then, could such reverse-engineered DNA be utilized by the elites in order to give them a strategic advantage by enabling premonition?
These are just some of my thoughts. Don't stop asking questions, ever.
People don't age like they used to because the whole system is out of whack. And no it's not because people used to have different haircuts or whatever lmao.