the most important questions

Who am I, really? Just a weird little human, a matrix prisoner, an eternal soul, or a god having a dream?

This is one of the most important questions in my existence.

How do I move onto 'the next level' in this existence?

In short, what the hell am I supposed to do?

Who is actually in charge? God, demiurge, aliens, AI, illuminati?

I have no idea really.

What is the point of synchronicities?

They are supposed to act as signs that you're on the right track. But not all synchs are positive. Some seem like they're made to limit your potential.

How much freedom do I actually have?

Is free will real or fake or both? Can I do whatever I want physically or can they somehow stop me if they think I'm putting the matrix in danger?

Are the people around me as real as I am?

Is everyone else an NPC/actor or real, but controlled/dumber than me? Do the NPCs know who they are?

How is everyone making money and constantly buying stuff if everything is so expensive now?

I suspect it may have something to do with NGOs, religious organizations and freemasonry. They might be giving away money (miracle payments?) to everyone who is "in on it" and then that money is distributed across different families. Or other people are just straight up living in another dimension lol.

Why has everybody decided to start having children after the (fake) pandemic?

This one seriously boggles my mind honestly. And I'm not talking about 30 and 40 year olds. I'm talking about literal teenagers having children seemingly more than they used to. 19, 18, heck even 16/15 year olds are constantly having children now.

Is the paranormal real or is it just extremely advanced technology?

I don't think there is any real way to distinguish between those two honestly.

Why does time magically speed up/slow down at random moments?

This happens all the time, especially since time drastically sped up all of a sudden in 2023 (for me). Is it a sign that "they" want me to value my time more so they shorten it? Or is it just to troll me?

Why is the mandela effect happening to me?

Is it a consequence of 5D ascension, matrix shenanigans or CERN? Why don't other people perceive it like I do? And why is there so much gaslighting about it in the media?

Is the reverse mandela effect real?

I am from the crappy south american country of brazil, and I had never heard of the capybara (famous SA animal) until 2023. And blue bananas are a thing now? Are these things matrix inserts, or have they always existed but I somehow only heard about them recently?

Who TRULY decides what is considered acceptable or not?

Is there a board of "reality moderators" somewhere who have the final say on whether something is seen as acceptable or not? Or did all humans from all countries wound up telepathically agreeing on several moral subjects such as murder bad, incest, theft, et cetera?

On the more metaphysical side of things, who decided that atheism is acceptable while murder is not? A real atheist would have no reason to believe murder is objectively bad, therefore why is atheism not seen as a dangerous belief? But then why is it normal to think of God as being good, but don't dare you say God is evil or indifferent. None of those ideas can be proven, but they're still seen in radically different ways by normies.

Is karma real or fake?

Is karma actually real? How does it work exactly? And how can I use it to my advantage?

Is language a form of control?

Do "they" somehow manipulate every aspect of our language in order to limit our thoughts?

Who approves new slang/words?

It seems like whenever a new slang/word is approved, everyone starts using it. Even if the word is purposefully offensive or not a nice thing to say.

Do they even count the votes?

Elections are definitely fake, but, are the votes even counted, or do they just burn down those votes and then forge a random, seemingly real number using a computer program for the vote count? Or do they just simply control all the major candidates to benefit from whomever wins?

Why is the age of majority 18 in most countries?

18 is a very arbitrary number. Why not 20 or 25 (that's the age where your brain becomes mature according to soyence). I think it's because 18 is 6+6+6 (number of the beast).

Why do presidential terms last exactly 4 years?

Why not 3, 5, 6 years? I suspect it's not 5 because 12 (holy number) can't be divided by it. And it's not 6 because they want to fit exactly 3 elections in a period of 12 years (4+4+4/444, which is an important angel number). 3 is a magical number, there are 33 degrees in freemasonry etc. It also has something to do with karma and karmic cycles, I think.

Why does the eastern and western hemispheres of the world correspond with right (creative) and left (rational) hemispheres of the brain, respectively?

It's just another impossible absurd 'coincidence' in this "world".

Why was I born in the mid-2000s and not some other random time period?

Seems very purposeful to be born only a few years after the beginning of a new millenium.

Why are specific numbers like 2, 7 and 12 so important in this reality?

Is it because "God" or the demiurge has a taste for those numbers? 2 genders, 2 major "celestial bodies" (sun and the moon), 7 days of the week, 12 months, etc.

What is the Earth, actually?

Is the Earth actually a physical place that people (souls) "go to" or is it just an illusion? Is there anything beyond the 3d physical plane I find myself in right now? Does the earth even exist as a physical object, or are we actually in the middle of nowhere but we have been fooled into believing we are on a giant ball/flat disk of water?

What is the sky?

Are the sun, moon, planets and the stars actually real or are they just being projected onto the sky? If you had the magical ability to fly, what would you actually find if you went very high up in the sky? Is there anything physical there or is it like a screen?

Is everything really just frequency, energy and vibration?

That would imply solid matter doesn't really exist, which sounds counterintuitive but is true.

Is manifestation real, or just random/confirmation bias?

It's probably just random, but I've seen some people argue that willpower can manipulate probability/RNG but only a little bit (slightly more than chance).

Does reality think humans (and possibly animals) possess objective value?

There's something my 6th grade teacher said which has stuck with me ever since. I once told her that certain people are worth nothing/very little and she replied that the value of a person's life is worth more than gold. Now, is there something more real to what she said or is it just an opinion? I am saying this because we've had WMDs for a very long time now and we literally never see people just dying in mass (in the millions/billions). So perhaps reality thinks that human life is objectively valuable and actively prevents catastrophe from ever occurring? That would explain the nothing ever happens meme.

Is RNG random or manipulated?

Are digital random number generators actually "random", or can they be manipulated by quantum mechanics/occult forces? This is the most important philosophical question in computing.

We shouldn't forget Terry Davis's TempleOS predicted the 2020 election in 2016.

Does quantum computing "work" because of magick?

Since google introduced their new flashy quantum chip "Willow" I've been pondering to myself if quantum computers utilize some sort of magick in order to make calculations. Because qubits, or quantum bits just make no sense. Like, it's such an occult concept there's no way it should ever work in practice.

Is crime based on black magick?

Is crime materialistic like they tell us, or is there a spiritual component to it? I believe I can't be robbed, or (especially) murdered unless I consent to it. Now, on what "giving consent" means: it means accepting their manipulation, or knowingly putting yourself in a vulnerable position. Black magick requires consent to work. Examples of what "giving consent" to crime means:

This theory connects the dots between the streamlining and "blandification" of pop culture/regular life and the depopulation agenda. Since you need to long for death first before "they" can purposefully kill you.

Are social media algorithms being manipulated by dark forces?

Since even soyentists don't actually understand how the YT algorithm works (gosh, what a terrible article), it's plausible that it could be manipulated by occult forces behind the scenes, presumably to sow (controlled) chaos, dissent, and control what people think, control where the attention goes etc, and that "they" might have left the algorithm like this on purpose.

I believe certain popular content creators might have struck deals with occult forces in order to get views/fame/attention in exchange for their soul/image. Anyone who got popular too quickly is suspicious of having done this. These entities might also have clearance to project themselves into the videos made by the content creator with the goal of eating your attention, as part of the deal/pact, leading to bizarre movements/signs showing up on the screen when watching their content.