The world doesn't work the way you think it does. This is not a random free-for-all meaningless universe. There are occult laws that can explain why nothing major ever happens, and I will describe them here. All of this is based upon simple observation and deduction.
Part I: Nothing ever happens
"Nothing ever happens" is a catchphrase that appeared on 4chan in 2014 which alludes to the fact that nothing of real, long-lasting impact ever happens on the world stage. "world stage" is obviously referring to the idea (or fact) that the world is a stage. The answer was on your face all along.
Part II: The world is a stage
Which of the 2 options do you think is more likely: that all these politicians, dictators, and rulers are allowed to possess real power or that they're all just actors following a script?
Imagine if people like Putin or Biden were real. How would anything function if a grandpa with dementia actually had access to nuclear codes and the world's second largest nuclear arsenal, being able to end the world at the press of a button? (nukes are fake btw)
The simple answer is nothing would. If the world were real, people like Biden would have been removed long ago and therefore replaced by someone much more competent. There would be power struggles and dangerous chaos all over the place, with utterly devastating consequences if a random terrorist (terrorism is fake too) were to get his hands on a chemical or biological WMD, for example.
But none of that will ever happen because we probably live in either a prison planet/loosh farm/dream. I'm not saying that the chance of one of these things happening is low, rather I am asserting it is precisely zero. Feel free to prove me wrong (protip: you literally can't).
The same logic applies to world-ending wars, pandemics, cyberattacks, alien invasion, etc etc. If something ""happens"" it will be a very watered down and fake version of the real thing, with no/very little casualties. Just like what you'd expect from a theatrical performance.
Now you might be asking yourself: what are those "occult laws" you keep mentioning?
This will be answered in the next section. For now all you need to know is that what I'm about to present to you logically validates the assertion that nothing ever happens (and that nothing has ever happened). It is what ties everything together, including the idea that the world is a stage.
Part III: The REAL lawsNothing has happened or will ever happen. Every single doomsday prophet is a liar, and all existential risk researchers are clowns. There is no "proof" of things having happened for real other than CGI, drawings, staged videos and Wikipedia articles.
Few will believe what I'm about to say, but the content I see might not be the same content you see, even if we are looking at the same youtube channel/page.
What do I mean by this? Pick a random content creator. You go to his/her channel and then you find that their last video was posted about 10 months ago. You click on the video and find comments wondering what happened and why did they stop posting.
You take a break and go do something else, and a few hours later, on the same day, you look up their channel again only to find out that they never stopped posting. In fact, they've released hundreds of videos younger than 10 months, all with different publication dates. This actually happened to me a few months ago. And it was on a gaming channel of all things, so this kind of thing can happen to ANY channel/account.
I have developed a basic theory to try and explain this phenomenon. I believe certain people can be activated/deactivated from your reality based on much attention you give them, and that their content might be locked away until you "activate" that person by tuning into their frequency or giving them attention in order to unlock their posts/content which were previously hidden/inaccessible.